Tema: Læringsstier fra Skillsoft og GoLearn
Gå på opdagelse i de e-læringsforløb som omhandler de fem mest populære emner blandt medlemmerne hos Dansk IT: Python, DevOps og Cloud, Data Visualization, Microsoft Office, samt Ledelse. Du kan enten gennemføre hele læringsforløbet indenfor et emne eller vælge blandt de forskellige tracks under hvert forløb. Når du har gennemført læringsstierne er der mulighed for enten at teste din viden eller opnå et certificat. Rigtig god fornøjelse!
Track 1: DevOps Engineer [E-learning]
In this Skillsoft Aspire journey track of the DevOps Engineer to CloudOps Architect Journey, the focus will be on the DevOps mindset, promoting DevOps disciplines, Kanban for operations, Agile and DevOps, DevOps in continuous delivery and continuous integration, DevOps and AWS, Azure and DevOps, Google Cloud platform and DevOps, and infrastructure as code.
Track 2: Cloud Engineer [E-learning]
In this Skillsoft Aspire journey track of the DevOps Engineer to CloudOps Architect Journey, the focus will be on the DevOps automation architect, DevOps Automation strategies and design patterns, AWS DevOps automation, Azure DevOps automation, Google Cloud Platform DevOps automation, and DevOps automation Across platforms.
Track 3: CloudOps Engineer [E-learning]
In this Skillsoft Aspire journey track of the DevOps Engineer to CloudOps Architect Journey, the focus will be on moving from DevOps to CloudOps; elements of IaaS; public, private, and hybrid CloudOps interoperability; Docker and Kubernetes in multi-cloud environments; OpenStack in CloudOps; securing CloudOps deployment; and CloudOps in software defined WANs.
Track 4: Cloud Architect [E-learning]
In this Skillsoft Aspire journey track of the DevOps Engineer to CloudOps Architect Journey, the focus will be on cloud architecting, transitioning to cloud operations, CloudOps solutioning, CloudOps explainability, and future trends in cloud computing.
Track 1: Python Novice [E-learning]
In this track of the Pythonista Skillsoft Aspire Journey, the focus is getting started with Python, complex data types, conditional statements and loops, and first-class functions and lamdas. This track is ideal for learning beginning their Python journey.
Track 2: Python Apprentice [E-learning]
In this track of the Pythonista Skillsoft Aspire Journey, the focus is Python classes and inheritance and also data structures and algorithms.
Track 3: Python Journeyman [E-learning]
In this track of the Pythonista Skillsoft Aspire journey, the focus will be on Python Unit Testing, Python HTTP requests, Flask in Python, and Python concurrent programming.
Track 4: Pythonista [E-learning]
In this track of the Pythonista Skillsoft Aspire Journey, the focus is unit testing, developing and debugging using the PyCharm IDE, wrangling Excel data, network programing, and hashing and encryption algorithms.
Sådan leder du dit team til High Performance [E-learning]
Vil du gerne kunne lede dit team til exceptionelle resultater og et stærkt sammenhold? Så kan værktøjer fra sportens verden hjælpe dig.
Forbered dig på lederrollen i fremtidens organisation [E-learning]
Få et indblik i, hvad fremtidens arbejdsmarked byder på, hvad der kendetegner den digitale transformation, og hvordan du bliver en god leder i fremtiden.
Sådan holder du effektive og gode møder som leder [E-learning]
Vil du lære at planlægge og afholde effektive møder, der starter og slutter til tiden og altid sikrer et godt resultat? Så er det her kurset for dig.
Skab arbejdsglæde i dit team [E-learning]
Bliv en motivations-mester og arbejdsglæde-apostel med teknikkerne på dette kursus, så du spreder (mere) glæde, styrker motivationen og skaber større resultater.
Track 1: Data visualization with Excel [E-learning]
In this track of the Data Visualization Skillsoft Aspire journey, the focus will be on data visualization best practices and data visualization using Microsoft Excel.
Track 2: Data Visualization with BI Tools [E-learning]
In this track of the Data Visualization Skillsoft Aspire journey, the focus will be on data visualization using QlikView.
Track 3: Creating Infographics for Data Visualizations [E-learning]
In this track of the Data Visualization Skillsoft Aspire journey, the focus will be on creating infographics with Infogram and Visme.
Track 4: Data Visualization with Python [E-learning]
In this track of the Data Visualization Skillsoft Aspire journey, the focus will be on data visualization with Python using Matplotlib, Bokeh, and Plotly.
De vigtigste funktioner i Excel [E-learning]
Bliv fortrolig med Microsoft Office Excel, så du hurtigt og rutineret kan arbejde effektivt med programmet.
Avanceret PowerPoint: Få mere wow-effekt ind i din PowerPoint præsentation [E-learning]
Vil du designe skærmpræsentationer med Microsoft Offices PowerPoint program, der får dit publikum til at tabe kæben, er dette online kursus perfekt til dig.
Kalender og effektiv opgavestyring i Outlook [E-learning]
Lær hvordan du arbejder effektivt med din kalender i Outlook og skaber en overskuelig opgaveliste.
Grundkursus i Microsoft Teams [E-learning]
Få en grundig introduktion til Microsoft Offices samarbejdsunivers, Microsoft Teams.